QotL Housing Discussion

QotL is growing, and with that comes challenges. We started this season looking at different cities to find an affordable house near some activities. However, as you get closer to cities, finding a house big enough to contain us is difficult, and that difficulty is compounded by needing a decent internet connection for 14 gamers. Thus, the long search became more about finding a large enough house with a decent connection, which has brought us to the Adirondacks, NY. While we normally like to give you guys a choice of cities, all options have been exhausted save for 1 group of houses in upper NY. Here’s where we need your help. Our preferred location is a 10 bedroom house, but it is only available Aug 21-27. To afford this house with an estimated 14 people would mean the cost would be about $425. They have a second property, however. A 7 BR house which is available Aug 14-20 and Aug 21-27. This house will cost each person $385. Both have decent internet but not a lot around beyond your typical ski-resort-in-summer activities such as hiking and maybe rafting.

Please check out the each house below and let us know what you think on the Facebook group

10 BR/8 BA, Hot Tub, Snowmobiling, Skiing, Water View ($425/week)

7 BR house across lake

Facebook group:

The LAN’s awake now

Thanks to everyone who came out to the LAN yesterday and made it a big success! I think we had almost 25 people coming and going at some point. We’ll try to get back to a 2-3 month schedule from here!

Next DGS LAN – “The LAN Awakens” – December 19th, 2015

A short time from now, in a city far far away…

Dead Gamers Society VII:

The LAN Awakens

Come celebrate the “Return of the DGS” on Saturday December 19th, 2015 from 12pm until we submit to the “Attack of the Pwned.”  To ensure the “Empire doesn’t Strike Back” please bring a food or drink donation to the LAN as well as $5 for a pizza party dinner.

“Our New Hope” is to play some games together as a group such as Rocket League, Battlefront, CS:GO, L4D2, Dino Hunter, and others but if you insist on playing “The Phantom Menace” (WoW) that is of course fine as well!

As always the DC++ Hub will be up so hash your files and if “Revenge of the Sitting” in front of your monitor gets to be too much for you there will be ping pong and the home theater will be set up as well.  I am thinking we do a Movie marathon…Star Trek anyone?

See you there!