I hope everyone had a good holiday, and a fruitful winter steam sale! It looks like January 24th will be my only chance to get a good LAN in for a while, so let’s make it count! Like always, the 24th is a Saturday and we can plan on pizza dinner for $5. I still have quite a bit of soda from the last LAN, but soda donations are always welcome.
It would be nice to play some different games this time, maybe Payday: the Heist and Insurgency, Serious Sam 3 would be a hit, and I have some Chivalry: Medieval Warfares to give away as well. Santa visited and left us a brand new Ping Pong table to enjoy so make sure you come early and enjoy that. It’s a full size table which is quite a bit larger than the old one, so I’m not sure if it will stay out the entire time. We’ll have to see how much room it takes up with the rest of the LAN running at the same time.
As always, the DC hub will be up, and you can enjoy TV and Movies on the home theater between games. Start hashing your files now, and we’ll see you on January 24th at noon!