We start with nothing. No Information, nothing to go on. The circle is wide open, could go anywhere. Where do we drop? DC? Atlanta? Somewhere in the middle maybe? Gatlinburg? No, we did that last time. Something different but familiar. Someone call it.. Poconos? I could do Poconos. It’s northeast on the map but not too far in case the circle goes bad. Almost time to jump. 3.. 2.. 1.. DROP!
Date is August 5th 2018, perfect timing. This could go well! Feeling the rush of wind on my face as we speed to the drop point. Now it begins.. Just need to secure a house and set up shop. This one will do.. 7 bedrooms, large basement, hot tub, big screen projector setup. Fast internet. Air conditioning. Great loot! Going very well so far but the circle is shrinking.
Other players making their way here! 12 is my count, could change. I hear shots coming from their computers, it’s officially a LAN Party! Each player in a battle to the death. Having a great time but there must be a winner. One by one each person is defeated by sleep. Until there is only one remaining..
This is Quake on the Lake!
QotL 2018 Aug 5th-11th.
7 days and 6 nights of LAN Party and Events!
Most meals provided!
$375 paid to Jo Sugiura (Krhainos)