Author Archives: eclipse

QotL 2020 Location Voting

The time has come to discuss QotL houses and vote for a location. All properties are available for our target week of July 26-Aug 01.

Atlanta GA Duplex

This house is two single units put together. We’d have to use one of the living rooms for the LAN. It’s not ideal space but the price is the lowest and it has good download speeds at 600 down / 10 up.

Atlanta GA Luxurious

For only $25 more this house is more comfortable and features Xfinity internet at 200Mbps. The basement area should provide for a comfortable LAN. Further away from OH and NC than the next two houses though.

Washington DC House

Same price as the bigger ATL house and internet speed confirmed with a speedtest at 70 down / 70 up. Easy access to Wash DC. Least travel from OH and NC but no firearms I believe? Has ideal Party Hall space.

Gatlinburg Cabin

Most expensive option but in the familiar area of Gatlinburg which is centrally located for most people. Claims “Spectrum Wifi” but don’t know the speed. Judging from the Spectrum website, it should be at least 200Mbps. If the room with the ping pong table isn’t big enough we might have to use the living room for the LAN.

What is Quake on the Lake? Check out the QotL FAQ page.

Join the discussion / vote at our Discord channel or on Facebook. We hope to make a reservation and official QotL 2020 Announcement soon!

Thanks for coming!

Thanks to all who came out for the Dec 7th LAN! We had a pretty big turnout with about 13 people attending. Much Rocket League and Overwatch was played. Also saw some Modern Warfare, Apex Legends and some others. We welcomed some new faces and old friends. Hope everyone had a good time and can make it out to the next LAN! Probably around March or Early April for the next one.

The Series has LAN’ded

Sorry for the shorter notice on this one, but the Dead Gamers Society will host its next LAN on December 7th, beginning at noon at the new house in Medina. We will stick to the usual plan where the early arrivals are treated to a hot dog lunch (may or may not be grilled depending on weather). Pizza dinner will also be provided. Please bring a drink or snack to share with the group.

What games are going to be played? As usual, it’s ultimately up to you guys but I would expect to see some Rocket League and Overwatch. Apex Legends is free and has been requested so load that up. A Way Out looks interesting but seems limited to 2 people at a time. Discuss what you want to play in our Discord channel!

I am hoping to stick to an approximately 3 month schedule for LANs. Next one might be April though depending on Spring Break.

Address will be posted the day of the LAN.
See you Dec 7 at noon.